Green Dot calls for Senate passage of AB1835

In response to CA Assembly passage of AB1835, Annabelle Eliashiv (Director of Policy and Public Affairs at Green Dot Public Schools), issued the following statement:

Green Dot Public Schools celebrates the passage of AB1835 and the fellow organizations who championed it. ​We are hopeful that this bill will be approved by the Senate later this year and enacted into law, effectively closing a spending loophole in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) that allows public education institutions to use unspent dollars intended for the highest need students such as English Language Learners, students in the foster care system, or those living in poverty. ​95% of the students that Green Dot Public School serves fall into one at least one of these three groups. A critical aspect of our public education system is offering equal education to all students, regardless of background, and we are thrilled that this bill seeks to ensure dollars are spent accordingly.